The First Visit

Startright Speech therapy prides itself on using the most up-to-date and modern assessment materials in order to gain the most comprehensive view of clients' communication skills.

♦ Assessments are recommended as a starting point to services to allow the therapist to understand the client's communication skills in detail. Assessments involve a combination of approaches including interviews, observation, and formal and informal testing activities. Parents are included during children's assessments. At the end of the assessment, the Speech Pathologist will discuss the results, including strengths and weaknesses observed, and advise whether any areas require further development or therapy intervention. Assessments will normally take 1-1 ½ hours depending on the areas of concern. It is sometimes best to divide the assessment over two sessions.

♦ Comprehensive reports are provided on conclusion of each assessment including detailed results and therapy goals.

♦ Parents/Clients will be requested to fill in a questionnaire and the therapist will also ask questions throughout the assessment to help achieve a complete picture of the client. If a Speech Pathology assessment has already been completed within the past 12 months, a screening assessment is usually all that is required as opposed to a full standardised assessment.

♦ Assessment sessions are often best conducted at the Startright Speech Therapy clinic.

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